IMPORTANT NOTICE: The vehicle described above is a used vehicle. This Original Window Sticker was created by a third party vendor based on information set forth in the original new vehicle Monroney sticker. Dealer makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy or reliability of the information in this window sticker, and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or missing, damaged, removed or third-party installed equipment/options. For current vehicle features and price, please review the Enterprise Car Sales website, the Used Car Buyer’s Guide and/or discuss with your Enterprise Car Sales dealership.
MSRP $26,985.00
Installed options
[PW7] Bright White Clearcoat $0
[H7XP] Alloy/Black, Cloth Bucket Seats $0
[CEQ] Black Seats $0
Original Shipping Charge $1,495
Retail Price (Originally New) $29,420.00